welcome to the archives.

date: 11/11/2024
mood: the lexapro is working
music: holy roller- spiritbox
hello! welcome to my little corner of the web. this page is still under construction, but i intend for it to be a place to infodump on things like horror, true crime, psychology, etc. coding is just a hobby and i'm fairly rusty, so please be patient with updates! my socials will be linked so feel free to reach out if you want \^_^/

date: 11/24/2024
mood: tipsy
music: rookie- red velvet
life got busy and i kinda of forgor about this for a little bit...but i have some new posts that i'm planning on making! a couple of true crime posts (both semi-local to me, so that's extra interesting), as well as a book review once i finish reading and gather all of my thoughts. once i flesh this out a bit i want to try and join some web circles, but that's a goal for future me!
